Forum on ICT Infrastructure: Plans and Strategies for National Development
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The National Academy of Science and Technology, Philippines (NAST PHL), through its Engineering Sciences and Technology Division (ESTD), chaired by Academician Reynaldo B. Vea conducted a forum on Information and Communications Technology (ICT) Infrastructure on March 28, 2014 at Hyatt Hotel Manila. The forum focused on the long-term strategic development plan of the national ICT infrastructure to make the country more competitive, the people more innovative, and communities more resilient. Acd. William T. Torres, a member of NAST ESTD served as the focal person of the forum.
Invited experts were Acd. Torres, Acd. Jose B. Cruz, Jr., also a member of ESTD, Mr. Rolando Alarcon, secretary general of the Philippine Electronics and Telecommunications Federation, and Mr. Dondi Mapa of Microsoft Philippines who was a deputy commissioner of the Commission on Information and Communications Technoogy (now DOST-ICTO).
Acd. William G. Padolina, NAST President, welcomed the participants from the different public and private institutions. He said that ICT has increasingly become an important vehicle in our economy.
Acd. Torres emphasized the need to fix the ICT infrastructure in our country since improved infrastructure produces abundant benefits for the economy, environment, and social progress. He cited the three most problematic factors which have significantly affected the low ranking of the Philippines in the global competitiveness index, namely, corruption, bureaucracy, and infrastructure. He noted that if we do well in ICT, the initiative will also help improve the other infrastructure sectors.
Regional Seminar Workshop on Research Upgrading and Performance Evaluation held at the National Capital Region
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The Regional Seminar Workshop on Research Upgrading and Performance Evaluation was conducted by the National Academy of Science and Technology, Philippines, in partnership with the DOST National Capital Region last April 22 and 23, 2014 at the Traders Hotel Manila. The seminar workshop is one of the components of the DOST-funded NAST PHL project entitled “Evaluation and Improvement of the Research Publication and IP Productivity of the DOST R&D Institutes.” It aims to encourage researchers to take part in shaping regional research and development agenda through its workshops and to provide discussion on current research and development approaches and tools.
National Scientist Lourdes J. Cruz gave an overview of the project and its activities. She also gave the specific objectives of the regional seminar workshop and provided points to level off the expectations of the participants.
She reiterated that one of the goals in conducting the seminar workshop is to encourage the participants to publish scientific articles in internationally recognized journals. NS Cruz emphasized the need to prepare institution-specific efforts related to increasing the number of publications. Her presentation was followed by the presentation of Director Luningning E. Samarita-Domingo, who discussed the various programs and services being provided by NAST Philippines.
Various lecture presentations and workshops were also given and facilitated by reputable speakers. Academician Marco Nemesio E. Montaño, professor at the Marine Science Institute of the University of the Philippines (UP)Diliman and NAST PHL Member, gave a lecture on Ethics in Research and Development. Acd. Montaño reminded the researchers to always be mindful of how they carry out research from its initial stage until article publication. He discussed ethical guidelines as well.
Academician Gavino C. Trono, Jr. is National Scientist
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Renowned for his outstanding contributions in the field of tropical marine phycology with focus on seaweed biodiversity, biology, ecology, and culture, Acd. Gavino C. Trono, Jr. was conferred the rank and title of National Scientist by virtue of Proclamation No. 737signed by President Benigno Aquino III on March 13, 2014.
He is credited for his extensive studies on the culture of Eucheuma denticulatum,Kappaphycus alvarezii, Gracilaria spp., Caulerpa lentillifera, and Halymenia durvillei, seaweed that benefited thousands amongthe coastal populations. He was the first to report the occurrence of “ice-ice” disease which has caused tremendous loss of biomass in seaweed farms. He published papers on the open water and pond cultures of Gracilaria, pond and lagoon culture of Caulerpa lentillifera and culture and management of stocks of Sargassum. He led a team in a field survey and assessment of coastal areas in Western Mindanao which identified sites in Sakol Island in Zamboanga and Tapaan Island in Siasi, Sulu where the commercial seaweed farms were established in 1972.
His dedication to science led to the successful implementation of 45 research projects, which resulted in the publication of 142 papers consisting of 20 ISI and 120 technical papers. He was also able to describe and publish 25 new species of marine benthic algae. His first major publications on the marine algae in the Northern Tropical and Western Pacific expanded and altered the knowledge on the geographical distribution of the benthic algae in Central and Western Pacific.
His dedication to science led to the successful implementation of 45 research projects, which resulted in the publication of 142 papers consisting of 20 ISI and 120 technical papers. He was also able to describe and publish 25 new species of marine benthic algae. His first major publications on the marine algae in the Northern Tropical and Western Pacific expanded and altered the knowledge on the geographical distribution of the benthic algae in Central and Western Pacific.